
You don’t have to worry about your crops when you’re not there. Grow enables you to remotely your plants’ climate so that they can thrive.

The costs of manual labour can quickly add up, especially in large grow facilities, but with Grow, it does not have to. Our range of solutions enables you to automate and monitor your facility 24/7, enabling you to reduce the need for manual labour and increase work efficiency.

Maximise your harvest for optimal profits by monitoring the temperature and humidity in your plants’ environment—from seedling to harvest.

Climos gives you ultimate controllability by integrating with the air-conditioning units and fans in your facility*.

*Subject to Climos’ ability to integrate with your specific brand and model of air-conditioning units and fans.


When the temperature in your grow rooms or greenhouses falls outside certain limits, it could lead to increased energy costs to keep the environment cool, stressed plants, stunted growth and low-quality yields.
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Maximise plant growth
  • Optimal yields


Humidity is essential to your crops’ ability to photosynthesise, utilise carbon dioxide and consume nutrients. Ensure your plants are provided with optimal humidity for their specific growth stage and prevent mould and pests due to excessive humidity from ruining your harvests with our sensors that detect even the smallest deviations.
  • Prevent mould
  • Keep pests at bay
  • Increase nutrient and CO2 uptake

How we can help

Continuously monitor the temperature and humidity in your plants’ environment with our sensitive range of climate sensors. All you need to do is predefine the safe temperature and humidity ranges, and we will alert you when deviations are detected.

Create the ideal growing conditions for your plants with our state-of-the-art full-spectrum grow lights.

High-performance grow lights for all your plants’ needs.

Keep your yields high and your growth strong in any climate, all year round, with iFings’ high- performance Samsung-manufactured LED grow lights to suit your every grow need.

Our indoor grow lights are specifically designed to help optimise plant growth by substituting sunlight, stimulating photosynthesis and providing the best light spectrum for your plants’ specific needs.

  • Easy to install
  • Available for a wide variety of applications
  • Multiple lighting options
  • Space-saving
  • 5-year warranty


  • Speed up harvest cycles
    Speed up harvest cycles

    Grow lights can be used full-time to speed up growth rates and allow for the maximum amount of plant growth possible.

  • Full-spectrum light
    Full-spectrum light

    Provide your plants with the light spectrum they need to ensure optimal development throughout all phases of plant growth.

  • Safer light proximity
    Safer light proximity

    Our lights generate less heat, which makes them safe to use near your plants without causing leaf burn.

  • Energy-saving

    LED lights are highly energy-efficient, making them a smart investment to save on electricity costs while contributing to the environment.

  • Better quality plants
    Better quality plants

    Because our lights simulate natural light, you can rest assured knowing your plants are getting everything they need to boost photosynthesis and maximise plant growth for a better yield.

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